Monday, September 9, 2013

I'm Back

It may have seemed that I have dropped off the planet or something, but I am finally back. It has been several crazy months.  From long summer vacation to moving to a home better suited for my family to family drama that has been bringing me down. But now that life has settled down I'm thinking it is also time for a change in some eating habits. For a while I have been having issues focusing and I know it has to do with two things; going to bed too late and not eating as well as I should.

After much deliberation, I have decided to take a challenge of going processed foods free for one month to see if things improve. That means no store bought bread, processed breakfast cereals or crackers or chips, etc. I will be making as much from scratch as possible to see if I can improve my health with food alone. Well and I have started running too =)

Tomorrow, I  start my NO Processed Foods Challenge and I hope you will join me on my journey.

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